Friday, October 5, 2012

Why do we fall?

Hello everyone! Yeah, I know, it's been a long time but life happens. A lot has happened since I last posted, I finished my first year of law school!!!!! It was a nightmare but I am so happy that I finished it and now I am in my second year. So far it has been quite a busy year but it has been enjoyable. The highlight for me has been the opportunity to clerk for the Orange County District Attorney's Office. As many of you know, that is what I want to do for my career. I want to put criminals away. Clerking for the office has gained me valuable experience and it has made me realize how much crime occurs in the world. The world really does need lawyers even if you think that it would be better off without them. Haha. I feel blessed to be able to have this experience reaffirm my desire to become a prosecutor. Hopefully, this clerkship will also help me get a job with them after I pass the Bar.
My summer was fairly good. At the start not a lot happened but July was different. A good friend of mine came down to visit me and it was his first time in California, so of course I had to show him all the sights. We had a great time. I think the highlight was seeing The Dark Knight Rises on opening night at midnight. It was such a great film. By far the best of the three Batman movies that Christopher Nolan has made. As of the writing of this post, I have seen it 7 times! You may think that I am crazy but it is such a wonderful film and I have pulled new things from it with each viewing. One of the themes in the film relates to a quote: "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." As you have noticed, that is the theme of this post.
Since my last post, a lot of good has happened but I have also experienced some difficult times. I do not wish to be a downer but I feel that what I have to say will be uplifting in the end. I had the opportunity to visit some friends in Utah this past summer and it was good to see them but I came to a startling realization, they have moved on. I think that I went up there this summer hoping that things would be just like they used to be.  The days when I was at BYU and I was so busy doing things with all of my friends and we had so much fun together. Unfortunately, I found out that things had changed. Some had left to pursue other courses in life, others were happy to see me but were unavailable or not as interested in hanging out. Don't get me wrong, I had the honor of doing some fun things with some of my friends, but it definitely was not the same. I felt like Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises when Alfred tells him that he is not Batman anymore and that he needs to move on and stop living in the past. It has been hard for me to accept this reality and try to appreciate those wonderful days at BYU while still being optimistic about the present. My days at BYU truly were my glory days and I miss all of the good times that I had with my friends up there.
Another thing that has happened in my life deals with a girl that I loved. For her sake, she shall go nameless but she and I dated last summer and it was marvelous. I really felt that I had a connection with her and it was wonderful to have someone like her in my life. Needless to say, when she ended it, it did not end well. This past weekend, she got married. I of course wasn't invited, although my parents were and they attended the reception. I still have feelings for her and I wish things had gone better between us but now I must move on. I need to learn to pick myself up after I fall. So I'm working on that. It will be tough but someday I hope to make it.
Please don't think that my life is terrible, it is good, I just have encountered some major bumps in the road like we do in this life. Tomorrow is general conference and I hope to be able to get some valuable insight. I hope you are all well. Some of you who read this are in other states and others are in France. Either way, take care of yourselves. I hope to write another post soon and probably one that is not so introspective as this one. Je vous aime tous!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Hiya! It has been a while and I apologize for that. Not a whole lot has happened lately except for the fact that my first year of law school is almost done!!! I can't believe it, it has gone by faster than I would have imagined. Now it's preparation time for finals, ughhh. Last week, after not having time to do any bike riding for nearly a week, I decided to go on a longer than usual bike ride. I ended up making an 18 mile tour! Needless to say I felt a little sore for a couple of days following that. It was cool though to ride on some nice bike trails in a nearby city. Last weekend I also went to Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga. It was such an awesome store!! So much cooler than Cabela's which is hard to fathom, I know! It had two waterfalls in the store and a stream and one elevator was surrounded by an aquarium. I'll be going back to it this weekend as I have a gift card there and I need to use it. Other than that not much has happened in my life, just class and studying and some work. I've been trying to think about what I'll be doing this summer. I have my assistant manager job still at the place where I live so that's nice and I need to restart my job with Other than that I plan to visit my dear friends in Utah...I don't know when that'll be yet but maybe in July. The Dark Knight Rises comes out on July 20th!!! It couldn't come sooner!!! I can't wait to see it!! Right now I just finished some work for my Criminal Law class tomorrow, the case we prepared for dealt with John DeLorean, the guy that made the car that turned into a time machine in Back to the Future. Naughty DeLorean smuggled some cocaine to try to finance his struggling car company. Well, that's all I have for you today! I hope all is well with you, wherever you may be. May the wind be at your back!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One small step for man, one giant leap for me

Well...after deliberating for quite a while about it, I finally have decided to make a blog! Most of you are probably laughing at me right now but it is a big step for me. I don't how often I'll update this but hopefully once a week. Anyways, I got a brand new bike last week! It's so awesome! It is a Trek 8.3 DS, a real beauty. I have been conditioning myself to make some bike trips to the beach. I should be ready soon with all of the biking that I have been doing. Law school is still tough but I manage to get through it. It surprises me but I am 3/4 of the way through my first year! Really it has gone by fairly quickly. I really look forward to the summer though! Next fall will be cool too since I will intern with the Orange County District Attorney's Office. Hurm...I seem to run out of things to say...well...there is my first'll get better...I promise. Take care!